Fifteen months ago, one of my cousins was hospitalized with Covid-pneumonia for eleven days.

It was a scary time as she often struggled with the simple act of breathing. Isolated and feeling miserable, she experienced panic attacks and fear. And when the doctor told her that the next step was being put on a ventilator, she was most certainly afraid.

Recently, she was sharing with us what she would do in those moments of fear and panic. My cousin would grab her phone and put on praise music. She would read the Scripture verses that people had texted her or she would open her Bible app and get into the Word.

What was she doing? She was turning on the light – bringing light into the darkness with truths about God and His Word. (See last week’s post if you missed it!)


Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”  John 8:12

It is amazing how reminding ourselves about God’s power, love, character, and sovereignty can fill our hearts and minds with peace and confidence. Fear has a way of decreasing when we focus on God and remember how big He is. I worry so much less (and feel less anxious or fearful) when I can bring everything into the light of who God is.

When we were talking about her hospitalization, my cousin also shared that she has been told by other individuals that they couldn’t do it. They couldn’t go through what she went through. And she is quick to reply, she didn’t do it. God did it. God got her through it all. And even if they had to face the same thing, He would be with them just as He was with her during those eleven days in the hospital and the trying weeks that followed.

I saw a meme a while ago and this is what it said:

Let’s try a little exercise. This is something I learned years ago, and I can’t tell you the difference it has made in my own life.

Take a moment and think about what it is that makes you fearful.

 Now put it into the following statement and finish it with thoughts and truths about God.

Even if _________________, God _________________.

For example:

Even if I lose my job, God is my provider.

Even if my kid does _____, God can redeem any situation.

Even if my family member gets sick, God’s love for us has not changed and He will be with us.

Even if I get cancer, God will be my strength and shield. He is the lifter of my head and He will not leave me.

Even if the world around me crumbles, God is still on the throne and He sees all my days.

What is your statement?

Even if _________________, God _________________.

“One thing God has spoken, two things have I heard:  that you, O God, are strong, and that you, O Lord, are loving.”  Psalm 62:11-12

I love David’s attention to the fact that God is both strong and loving. Because if God were strong but not loving, we would have a problem. He would act and be powerful, but His actions would not be based on His love for us. On the other hand, if He were loving but not strong, oh dear! His intentions would be good, but He’d be incompetent to do what was needed. Thankfully, the God we serve is both! He is strong and loving.  His purpose will stand and He will prevail. Therefore, what need I fear?

Do you need to change your mindset from WHAT IF to EVEN IF?  I wonder what would happen in your heart and mind as you make the switch.  I’m thinking it will be good . . . oh, so good.

Living in the EVEN IF,
